Hi there,
This week has turned out to be a pretty quiet one here at little glowing lights - no project on the go, no must make new dish I’ve never tried before, no lugging the camera around to take pictures and honestly I’m quite enjoying it, I even skipped the gym tonight and walked home in the fresh air instead.
Oh but I have been listening to the new muse album. I had (massively) high expectations but it’s even better than imaged. It’s not very often anymore an album can excite me that much but it’s sooo good when it does.
Hope everyone's having a great week
My dad just made Matt Bellamy's new guitar that has a piano keyboard on it. Haven't heard the album yet, but keep hearing good things. Have a nice day.
you still manage to make a quiet week look pretty!
I really love that top photo.I just want to sit their and enjoy the croissants!
Fresh air over the gym sounds wonderful. It's nice to slow down sometimes, enjoy the run into the weekend.
ahhhh - the delightful quiet week. mine has been so busy at work that all i crave is the week you just posted about it! luckily tho we are heading to the beach this weekend.....enjoy your weekend catherine!
I love muse and I was blown away with the new album. So good.
Hello...I like the sound of your week and love these pictures...all very serene :)
your quiet week, is still quietly beautiful.
Sounds like a lovely relaxing week Catherine and I love the blossom photos - just gorgeous. Thanks for the feedback you gave on the pasta machine! I'm thinking that it could end up being something I would use a lot to begin with and then it would be hidden in a cupboard lol! I need to find a friend that has a machine I can borrow!! :)
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