Wednesday, 13 July 2011

Winter blah

Winter kicked up a gear this week and so did my feelings of intense dislike, I find it depressing - the cold, the dark, the wind, the only thing I don’t mind is the occasional bit of rain turning to snow. I felt so low and frustrated on Monday night, I was doing exactly what I hate, sitting on top of the heater watching tv….. SO NOT PRODUCTIVE (or inspiring)! So last night I went to the state cinema and saw The Trip it was entertaining and silly and then came home and did the pile of dishes that had been growing out of control. Now if I can only work out how to motivate myself to go to the gym after work rather than just on weekends I will feel even better. So I am most curious, how do you motivate yourself to do things when you feel low?

On a much brighter note Sam has a brilliant post up on Island Menu, a pea, lamb and mint broth, it looks seriously good!


Lisa Kjellerød said...

You should come and try a norwegian winter!!

Martina said...

Or an Irish summer!! (ref point above)..I know how you feel tho...for me it wouldn't be necessarily about the weather but a general funk I get into...I don't know what to say but it sounds like you are already there what with getting yourself out and about and doing the dishes...that's a great start and once you've started other things get much easier! Oh what an amazingly crappy attempt at advice...sorry!

Small Catalogue said...

I have absolutely no idea. But I do have oodles of sympathy xx

Sarah B said...

Yeah, it's hard, especially when it's been so cold and grey. I think I only really feel motivated when I'm doing something that I feel like I can do well, finish and therefore feel a bit of achievement. I really am very lazy with most evenings in front of the tv. It takes me forever to do anything!
But hey, spring will be here before we know it x

Margret said...

does your gym have a steam room? that would motivate me in the dead of winter!

fifi said...

i realise that the link between feeling low and not accomplishing things is inextricable! so i write an achievable list and cross things off. the more i do, the better i feel and it grows and grows and grows! i find winter particularly motivating because there is a lot if indoors time. but i loathe dishes.....maybe a glass of red will make it easier? oh and gym ALWAYS before work, never after :)

fifi said...

yuk - i sounded like a goody two shoes then! i honestly just thrive off getting things done - easier said than done with a small person in tow. but in my former life, and still a little now, i can proudly say i hate procrastination and rarely indulge it! i am notoriously good at procrastinating over dishes.....

Amanda said...

It's so hard to get motivated when you feel that way and are freezing cold. I find I just have to 'get stuck into things' I keep procrastinating about. The gym is a definite hard one to get motivated for in winter :)

bianca snow said...

I hate the winter too. I find it soooo hard to warm up especially as I live in a really old building that just doesn't heat up. I guess thinking about how warm I will feel at the gym is usually what gets me there in winter. If I know that I am going to lose an evening to the dredded tv I make sure I watch something inspiring like a period drama or nature documentary so I can then call it "research" and feel less guilty!!

It followed me home said...

Hmm, what about cranking on the music rather than the tv / computer (I'm writing this as a mental note for myself as well) and then perhaps you/i would more incline to move around the house (rather than stationary at the heater) and maybe we'd get bits and pieces done, rather than annoying chores chewing into the weekend..? Sorry mate, I'm in the same boat as you. I hate the winter! I'm struggling get in any form of exercise in and my place is a mess most of the week. Big winter blah-dy blah here too!!

shipbuilding said...

I second everything 'it followed me home' said. Just be sure to choose upbeat/happy music and if you switch it on as soon as you walk in the door, you might forget about the tv all together.