Sunday, 23 October 2011


Sorry for the radio silence, I had the week off work and it seems I needed a week off blogging too. Rather fantastically it has felt longer than just a week and for the first time in ages I actually feel relaxed, quite sure the warm weather has a lot to do with that too!

So for my week off I spent half of it in Sydney which was great. Finally got to visit Pure and General and was not disappointed at all, that place is so beautiful and Linda was very kind and friendly, oh and passed on a great suggestion for lunch (Fratelli Paradiso). Back at home I saw Jeff Martin for the bazillionth time but he was impressive as always oh and did some taste testing for Island Menu (there is some good stuff coming up)!


Lucent Imagery said...

I was wondering how you were and was going to email you. What a lovely break you've had. So glad you feel truly rested. x

Marian Hazel said...

Sounds like you had a lovely week off! Can't wait to see what the strawberries and rhubarb became!

Small Catalogue said...

Sounds divine. It is truly wonderful when there is actually enough time to relax.

Jayne said...

Lucky you, sounds like lots of fun :) and I love your funkis shoes- very cool ;)

Sarah B said...

I was wondering what you were up to. Looks like you had a lot of fun. I was given some rhubarb today but i don't think I cooked it right as it is very very tart.
Thanks so much for your birthday wishes :)

Martina said...

Sounds great! Love your new shoes!

fifi said...

ahhh - i have those clogs. they are amazing. i never tire of wearing them and the more the leather ages, the more beautiful they become!

Anonymous said...

oh my you were so close to where I live...I live right next to Fratelli Paradiso...let me know when you are here next time and I can give you some your shoes I have the same in red and they are so comfortable...