Wednesday, 7 December 2011

Little Things

Earlier today I had this moment where I realised how close to the end of the year it is and how much I still have to do (or mostly cook!)! I’m definitely hanging out for the break, but at the same time excited about things that are planned for the next few weeks, including an Island Menu pre-christmas party with friends. Tonight I’m going to try making my caramels (fingers crossed!) so that I can put them in some home-made crackers, complete with bad jokes and paper hats. It’s definitely the little crafty things I love most about this time of year.

Pics are random from the weekend:
Some seriously bright pink geraniums from my mum’s garden and some baked peaches with cinnamon and brown sugar for my porridge (bad but good, had just been to the gym so I figured I could justify that).


WSAKE said...

o those geraniums! amazing! a very nice little thing!

Sarah B said...

Those geraniums look fab in that vase! I'll be looking forward to seeing how your caramels turn out. I hope they're yummy :)

Anonymous said...

LOVE thos geraniums!

Unknown said...

iLOVE geraniums.... I always let them grow too leggy though... I must prune more often!! We don't have many at this new house, but had stacks at the last one. Hence the slack pruning...

Crystal said...

the pictures are so beautiful,i like it!! :)

Anonymous said...

Oh baked peaches aren't you just so naughty?!!!