hmmm somehow it is the 6th of February already! This year is going rather fast so far….
*my copy of the second Kinfolk magazine arrived and it is seriously so wonderful, amazing photographs!
*it was a weekend of home grown goods – I was lucky enough to be given all these things – fresh basil, newly ripened tomatoes, pom pom dahlia’s, nashi pears and zucchini. Summer is good like that.
*I made truck drivers pasta with the basil and tomatoes for Island Menu…it should be up in a day or so.
I love the whole concept of Kinfolk. That fresh, home grown food sounds amazing. I made an awesome roast over the weekend for friends. They raved about it! It was a recipe so I can't take all credit, however... Those flowers are great! Hope you are well lovely lady.
my copy of kinfolk just arrived too. it makes the perfect company for an afternoon of tea! i am so glad that such a publication exists.
You have many things grown!!!!
It seems rare to me I am in the opposite pole and all sounds like summer here while in Spain is snowing!
BRRRR funny isn´t it?
Oh, I love my Kinfolk magazine, too! Nice photos btw :)
I love receiving fresh produce- you have such a lovely collection there :) And I like the look of Kinfolk, tempted to order a copy!
Oh my! It all looks so yummy. I'm feeling especially greedy for summer these days! I know we'll get ours eventually.. it just seems like a looooong wait. (i also know i shouldn't rush time away.) It goes fast enough all on its lonesome!
wowsers, those tomatoes look amazing! I can't get mine to ripen all at the same time... I end up with a range of red to green along the branch!
Hello, I've just found your blog and I'm now your newest fan! Lovely collection of things here. Kellie xx
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