Sunday 1 January 2017

the week between christmas and new year

Edit: I started this post yesterday, but didn't get time to finish it. So let's just pretend that I published it then. Cool.

This week has flown by, I had a list of rather dull but necessary things to do this week, but all I've done is clear out half the pantry. Instead we have been going for the odd walk, talking Elroy to the acquatic centre, visiting bruny island, catching up with friends and having a bit of quiet time too. It's fair to say that 2016 has been a bit of a difficult year on a number of levels, I think personally it has been challenging, working part time and being home part time and not feeling like I'm achieving much in either space. I've also struggled a bit health wise and have not pushed myself when stuck in ruts. So my hope for next year is to create better routines, take more time for myself (I think this will have flow on benefits), and appreciate just how fortunate we really are.

The biggest thing for 2017 will be renovating the house, our builder is due to start in a few weeks and  it's going to be exciting and challenging. I think we may also have a rather strong willed toddler on our hands, so that will be fun!

A few favorite things from 2016:

Day: I loved Elroy's first birthday party, that was so much fun to plan and bring together
Month: January, before I went back to work and we had a lovely summer month together
Book: A Year Between Friends
Song: Glass Eyes by Radiohead - I can't say why but I listed to it a lot
Album: I'm showing my age, but Radiohead's A Moon Shaped Pool, the Avalanches Wildflower and Paul Dempsey's Strange Loop album were favorites.
Concert: there was a spate of concerts in the third quarter of the year and that was it... I really enjoyed City Calm Down
Tv show: Master of None
Movie: I don't think I went to see many films this year (must change that this year) most were on netflix but I enjoyed Echo Park
Thing: I loved having tea in my Katia Carletti mug and Matt gave me a beautiful bowl from Lightly
Blogs: It feels to me that there are few blogs around in the traditional sense any more, but two that I read all the time and love is A Cup of Jo and Sonya Gee Curran's Sonnie and Share
Dish to cook: my cooking has been abysmal this year. I completely lost interest in cooking. I must change that, hopefully a new kitchen in the second half of the year will help. Matt on the other hand has taken on many lovely Nigel Slater recipes
Thing to do: take a walk with our little family

1 comment:

sonya said...

So chuffed to have you as a regular blog reader :) I take so much inspiration from your photos and blog. Wishing you an excellent 2017 x