Wednesday, 3 October 2018

three and a half

While we were away Elroy turned three and a half. Where did that time go? How is he such a little boy already. He is lovely, and that is his nickname sometimes, along with Peanut, and Dudie Pie - he likes this one best and tells me that.

He is busy and talkative, demanding and determined, noisy and sometimes silly. He can entertain himself well with imaginative play, in fact he has a wonderful imagination and really lives in his own world., which sometimes means he does not listen to us at all, much to our frustration.

He loves his friends, seems to enjoy his elc, is working hard on his swimming, can tentatively ride his pedal bike, loves to have 'dance parties' and listen to music, and can still be very absorbed by books. He is becoming more interested in drawing and craft, the scissors and glue in particular, but has come up with some great creations.

He is growing so fast and in so many ways this boy of ours.