Monday, 2 July 2012

June as instagrammed

A few instagram pics from June.

I always find at this time of year the number of photographs I take decreases because of the lack of daylight hours, instagram helps that and I think it's a nice way of recording little things that happen. June seemed to involve a lot of trips to Jackman & McRoss, a few walks, a little getaway to Stanley, bright tulips, and this past weekend a bunch of beautiful red rhubarb that I'm thinking needs to be turned into a pie with some apples.


Jane @ Shady Baker said...

What a beautiful little collection of wintery things...that rhubarb looks perfect :)

Lucent Imagery said...

I love this collection. I too have been taking less photos with the SLR and more with my new smart phone lately. Would love to be in your kitchen when that rhubarb is cooked. Always love your tulips in that white jug. Hope you are having a lovely winter my friend. x

e / dig in hobart said...

That rhubarb is breathtaking! did you grow it? I am most envious. I love rhubarb so much but it does not, alas, love me back.

Anonymous said...

So pleased to see the granola arrived! Hope you enjoy your breakfast x

cheap cosplay costumes said...

What a great collection!Love the pretty photos here!

Amanda said...

Such a lovely collection of snap shots Catherine. I've been thinking I should get an iphone, purely so I can join Instagram :)