Tuesday, 7 August 2012

Friendly Beaches

Some more photographs from the weekend. We were in search of waves, well Matt was....me I was quite happy to wander the beach and take pictures. It's such a beautiful part of the world the east cost of Tasmania. The light changed so much just in the few hours we were there, initially a lovely soft grey then brilliant blue when the sun came out.


Amelia said...

I can't wait to move back! X

Majken Sichlau said...

i nominate you for the liebster award!
check out my blog!


e / dig in hobart said...

I love winter beaches. You've captured their quiet beauty so well.

Imogen Eve said...

I love that tuft of grass. So gorgeous.

Deon said...

I'm visiting Tassie for the first time next month and your photos are making me very excited!!