Tuesday, 1 January 2013

Hello 2013

Happy new year!!! I had thought I might write a post yesterday, you know a bit of a wrap up of the year but then the words didn't really come to me. I don't think that matters too much and we had a really lovely dinner last night at a nearby french restaurant, complete with party hats and whistles, then walked home laughing to watch the fireworks. We've had some lazy days at home lately and it's been wonderful (above are some shots from around the house) and I'm kinda dreading reality of work again tomorrow.

I do plan to blog more this year, take more photo's and excitingly craft more. I was lucky enough to get an iPad for Christmas and thought that would help me but blogger doesn't seem to like it much, any hints or tips?


Sarah B said...

Oooh, an ipad! We both did really well, didn't we? I'm not up with what blogger/ipad works, but hopefully someone else can help.
I hope to blog more this year as well as being super crafty and I really hope you do too.
A happy new year to you x

sonya said...

happy new year catherine! I had a go blogging using my boyfriend's ipad. the blogger app worked best but from memory, to upload photos I had to import them onto the ipad or have them on picasa and then add them. it was tricky to adjust the size of the pics though!

Unknown said...

happy New year!!

I'm on typepad and blogging on an ipad is a bit of a nightmare too... sorry...

(love the tea-towel)

Fsn said...

I had the same problem with blogger but there is an app called blogsy which is quite good. I think you have to pay for it but its worth it to be able to blog from the comfort of your couch! Xxx