Thursday, 24 January 2013


Cookbooks are definitely my weakness, above are just a few that I've either been given or brought recently (and there are a few others on my list right now too!) but the thing is, I look through these books but I haven't cooked much from the yet. I was going to challenge myself to make one new dish from the books I already have every sunday, but this year for sundays we've been to my parents for dinner, I've been sick and then we had David it hasn't happened. I figure I should just relax the rules and just cook something new any night that feels right. The aim is to take a picture and post about them here too, that probably won't be every week but it should be a nice challenge.


Little Nan said...

I have so many cookbooks, I love them....but I have never cooked anything from yet....
I just love looking at the images and reading the stories that accompany them. I buy them on line and love getting a parcel in the mail....cookbooks are my guilty pleasure!

lucent imagery said...

I have a similar cookbook challenge that my blogger's cooking club is doing. We've started but are announcing our books next month - you're welcome to join in! You have to pick one book from which you'll aim to cook every recipe from this year.

Amanda said...

I too find myself reaching for my own cookbooks filled with tried and tested recipes rather than the pretty ones on my shelf... however, sick of making the same dishes lately, I'm trying to give new dishes a go more often than usual. I look forward to you sharing some ones you try... what a great cookbook collection you must have! x

Joanna said...

oh me too. I've made myself a deal that I have to actually cook more from the ones I've got before I go buying anymore. So difficult though! I look forward to hearing more about your cook book adventures...

Kat said...

oh you sound like me! Corey always says to me "do you really need another cookbook?" To which I always say of course. You can never have too many in my opinion. What is that very last one called? The cover looks very pretty.

Claire-Elisa said...

I got the signed Zumbo cookbook for Christmas. I would Lovett make the 8 layer cake in it but I would need to max out my credit card to buy the ingredients! Love cookbooks.

The Food Sage said...

I share your cookbook frustration! We had a moratorium in this house on buying new cookbooks a while back, simply because there are too many books, too infrequently used! I, too, endeavour to use those i already have more often. Good luck, my friend!