Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Melbourne - not quite as planned

This year for me has been all about work, my real every day job that is, and while I like the work I think I have forgotten that there is a lot more to life. I'm missing the creative side of things. Also it has been busy and hectic and basically I've had one week off this year, when we went to Sydney, not enough! Anyway we planned a long weekend to Melbourne two weekends ago now to help rectify that.

I had big plans for this trip, to take lots of photographs, find new inspiration, eat good food and have a few drinks and most importantly a lot of laughs. Sadly though I got bronchitis, which is really not fun and I even lost my voice. We did see lots of lovely things (everything in the Mark Tuckey store, colour in Spacecraft, Obus and Gorman) but I just felt terrible and exhausted, on the last day we went to the pictures and saw About Time (not bad if not VERY gooey) because I hit a wall. So basically I feel somewhat cheated, I would like a holiday do-over!

As much as the holiday would have helped, I think I just need to make more of an effort on a daily basis to be creative and do at least one thing a day that makes me happy. That's the plan.


Anonymous said...

Naw that sucks!

Hopefully you get a proper break soon to get back to some creativity.

G said...

You poor thing! Although I find that happens quite often when you work really hard and then when you stop you get sick.. When i'm feeling short of inspiration I try to think of my home town through the eyes of someone visiting as a tourist- it helps me to slow down and notice the small things, and I usually find my inspiration returns... take it easy xx

Little Nan said...

Oh no! Hopefully it was still a good little break.....
Love that colourful building in the first shot! Very cheery!

Isis said...

i'd feel cheated too!
but sometimes there is so much to do in melbourne i feel completely exhausted go there, even when i'm not sick!
love the watermelon socks, great summer outfit you got yourself there

Nehru suit said...
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Unknown said...
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David James said...
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Unknown said...

In Photography this is one kind of technique! Picture Lights