Monday 23 June 2008

Ugh Monday!
Monday I am not your biggest fan.
In your early hours, when it was far too soon to be awake, wild winds battered my window.
When it was going to be a walking morning you threatened rain (and then didn't when it was too late!)
Work was soooooooooooo quite and resulted in writing a paper on what could possibly be the dullest subject ever.
You took away a lovely weekend for this......

on the brightside:
these make me smile
I want to listen to this from start to finish
I'm green for this lamp
these are very cool
I love my yellow bag with little bees.


Sara Christine said...

I know what you mean about Mondays, and mine just started! That bag is the perfect pick-me-up though! Too cute.

Laura said...

I love that bag! Too true about Monday blues, but after a few hours it's Tuesday, one day closer to Friday!

Lexi:: PottyMouthMama said...

Wonderful bag - that has to make Monday a little easier?

dee said...

Yes yes yes!

elly said...

I absolutely adore this bag.
Bees are one of my favourite things.