I've been on the look out recently for an old wardrobe/cupboard/meatsafe for some extra storage in my flat and today went to a second hand shop where the owner had attached all these old plates to the wall. It looks so fantastic. I love how the tureen has it's lid on still. No luck with what I was looking for unfortunately.
Hi Catherine, doesn't that look great! Can I ask where it was? It's not somewhere I recognise :)
i love that! and this square turquoise plate looks amazing! i think you should get it...
oh - and thanks for the recipe, now i have to wait for beet root season.
This is so lovely! I adore the mint details. I am actually going to Tasmania for a month on a roadtrip with my boyfriend and would love to know of some good second-hand shops and quirky little design places to visit! xx
What a lovely display - there are some really pretty plates there.
That is so inspired!! I love that.
As for meat safes, I bought ours off eBay. It was heated bidding, but thankfully I won it. It's to this date, still one of my best buys.
Stunning! So nice to have found your blog - i think we sort of like the same things! Briar
I love it! I have some of those every same plates :)
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