Wednesday, 23 November 2011

Island Menu Christmas Cards

I am very excited to share a little project Sam and I have been working on for Island Menu over the past few recipe cards. Yes thinking about christmas that far in advance was no easy task (for us!) but we got there in the end and I am so proud of the results. I can vouch that each recipe on the cards is worth giving a whurl, but I particularly love the champagne poached salmon...totally decadent and perfect for that time of year, ooh and the cocktail of course! If you are interested you can purchase them here.


Sarah B said...

They look great Catherine. I hope you got my 2 disjointed emails about the little bags :)

melissa said...

They are fantastic. Almost enough to make start sending Christmas cards!

Marian Hazel said...

What a fantastic idea! Especially for people like myself who are totally obsessed with food.

Jayne said...

I can't believe I haven't seen cards like this before- what a great idea! The designs are very stylish, I love the gingham one :)

Unknown said...

congratulations Catherine, they are beautiful! Hope you sell truckloads!

Special 'K' said...

What a great idea, they look fantastic. I love your blog and have enjoyed myself looking around. I will follow on my way out and hope you find the time to do the same over at my place soon. Cheers SpecialK XoXo