Tuesday, 10 January 2012


There's no particular rhyme or reason to this collection of photo's but I liked the way the colours looked together.

Pics from my pinterest board.


Amanda said...

That cake looks lovely with the flowers piled on as they are x

Sarah B said...

Lovely collection of images Carherine. As soon as I can get myself a decent computer I think I might get into pinterest. I hope you are coping better than I am with this crappy weather. I don't know if it's the wind or not but I have the worst hay fever I have ever had. I'm so over it!

It followed me home said...

splendid and addictive!

Jayne said...

You have a fine eye for style ;)

melissa said...

Oh, that cake is similar to my wedding cake. Buttercream and fresh flowers - it was one of my favourite parts of the day!

theBOMBLICIOUS said...

Loving your style and your photos. I'm following your blog from november and i like it every day more.

Stacey Queen of Rants and Ramblings said...

loving the color scheme as well... very soothing...