Monday, 9 January 2012

This Weekend

This weekend was a pretty quiet one which is never a bad thing. I went to Salamanca market for the first time in ages, got some amazing fresh blueberries and some white chrysanthemums and rather unfortunately saw an antique throw from Afghanistan that I can’t stop thinking about.....very bad! It was a silk thread one with some lovely muted pinky/browns and stronger pinks in the design, but it’s sadly not in the budget right now.


Lucent Imagery said...

Quiet can be VERY good! Those blueberries look delicious. With our floor renovation done, we are now onto the mission of deciding on new dining chair colours to match the future dining table when we replace the current one. I'm inspired by your timber-look chairs with a white table. I hope you have a great week!

Marian Hazel said...

I love those chrysanthemums, they last for weeks! I haven't been to the market properly in awhile, maybe this weekend we will. The berries look delicious.

Martina said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend! It's definitely a difficult time to make any purchases what with a usually very spendy Christmas! Enjoy your week! Glad you liked the dress - I'll be the belle of the ball..heehee!

Amanda said...

Your photos are lovely. Don't you hate seeing something you love when you're on a spending hiatus?? Where is your cute ceramic punnet from? Love it!

WSAKE said...

this rug sounds very tempting... and those apricots (and the recipe to go with it) are wonderful!