Friday 5 August 2016


This photograph pretty much sums up the week Elroy had, teething with his bottom molars, flushed cheeks, temperatures, broken sleeps at nights and yet he still (mostly) has a lovely temperament. I don't know if it is because we had a few tougher days, so we appreciate it more, but we seem to be in a very lovely sweet spot right now. He is able to verbalise things better (I started counting words and got over 50, I know there are many others too), and putting words together 'gone now', 'dog bark', 'Lah-Lah Mama'. Asking for 'cah-gul' (cuddle), hugging Rockie 'Wockie' his stuffed Blabla raccooon, hiding himself under the cushions on the sofa, and very patiently, waiting for us to find him, wanting to 'click' the duplo bricks together, and the strap on his backpack, sitting reading books to himself and loving playing at daycare. He is quite delightful and cheeky at times.

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