Sunday, 29 July 2018

playdough etc

Elroy was sick on Friday night for the first time in ages, and not just sick but, have-to-change-the-bedding-three-times kinda sick. It really wasn't fun for anyone and we didn't get much sleep. So we had a very lazy Saturday, the weather was sparkling so I took Jerry for a big walk, treated myself to these Georgia Perry earrings from Grey and Felt and tried to soak in the vitamin D. Fortunately we all had a very lovely big sleep in this morning and seem to be on the other side of it all.

I have been thinking that I should make proper playdough for ages, the $2 tub stuff is great but ours was all pretty dried out and dead. The last time I tried to make it at home it was a fail, but this time I used this recipe and it came together pretty well. I was so impressed watching Elroy knead the dough, it's clearly something he does a bit at daycare, but his little hands knew exactly what to do. It's cool seeing your kid do something you didn't really they knew how to.

*I've just realised Elroy is wearing the same jumper in all the photographs I've taken recently, I promise he has more (so so many more) but this seems to be flavour of the month, it's by The Animals Observatory - I really love their stuff and the quality is amazing .