Admittedly these photographs were all taken a few weeks ago...but let's ignore that fact! (the stuff in the first pic is my NZ loot).
Since we got back from our trip I think we have been in a better place, we all seem a bit happier and a bit lighter. Hopefully that lasts for a while! The weekends have been good, I have definitely been getting more time for myself and, as a very introverted person, this is exactly what I need. We've had a date night last weekend (we saw Juliet, Naked which was ok, I had read the book and it is very true to that), on friday we had dinner out with Elroy at ti ama at his request, I've planted lots of new plants in the garden, and got through a few of the house jobs on my list.
I feel like there is a lot of 'things for me' at the moment too:
*on friday I picked up Lily Allen's new book and I'm a fair way through now, it's great, she's great, I saw her live the last time she was in Australia and remember being so impressed by her. I also loved her cover for like a version, I first heard it when I was walking Jerry at night and it gave me the shivers, in a really good way.
*speaking of music, I also picked up some new vinyl this week: Nick Cave's Lovely Creatures and Distant Sky (definitely in a Nick Cave phase over the last few years), and Achtung Baby which was one of my favourites in my early teens. I got to crank these on my own yesterday while the boys were out watching the football.
*Ottolenghi's new book Simple is beautiful, and I need to work out which recipes to try first!
*I'm so happy there will be a new live music tv program for Australia, Matt and I frequently bring out the Recovery dvds, and I like the fact that there will be something for Elroy. He loves watching live music.
*probably not in the inspiring category, more in the trashy and I'm sorry to admit it category, but I've been watching the Royals, and it's been a good escape at the end of work days.
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