Thursday, 13 June 2019

waiting for baby

I’m down to my last week or thereabouts of this pregnancy. It’s felt like forever. It’s been nothing like my first. The nausea which has lasted pretty much the whole way through, and exhaustion have been really hard, and I’ve felt much more emotional and so so incredibly introverted. Work was very busy, I went through the very stressful process of applying/interviewing for permanency in a job I’ve been acting in for a few years now (fortunately it all worked out), and parenting a very busy, chatty four year old at the same time. I’ve really appreciated, and needed, my days on my own while Elroy is at care since my maternity leave started. I’m also sad that my one on one days with Elroy are limited, it feels like we are in for such a big change. I can’t even anticipate what it is going to be like.

So now all the jobs on my list are done, the baby cane come anytime....well perhaps if it could wait until after tomorrow night because I have a ticket to see Jonsi and Alex perform Riceboy Sleeps and I really don’t want to miss it. Years ago, when I lived on my own, if I’d had a rubbish day I would come home, lay down and play that album. It is beautiful, and would take me somewhere else completely.

1 comment:

visual mention said...

Thanks for this blog posst