Monday, 2 September 2019


Weekends are coming and going quickly at the moment. But I have met my personal challenge this week, and taken some photographs over the weekend.

I started the weekend with a morning out walking with Rufus and Jerry, listened to some new to me music Matt recommended (IDLES - which I had already purchased on vinyl for Matt but not listened to) and old favourites (Talking Heads). My plan was to have a big walk, pick up some flowers from the market and grab a hot drink, but I only got as far as the long walk before Rufus woke up. So instead I sat in the park, in the rather crisp spring air feeding him. But it was still lovely and good to get out and about.

We celebrated Matt on sunday, with a breakfast mix from Queens and Pigeon Whole (because I'm still not pushing myself to do everything as I normally would), gave him some gifts which I think he actually liked. We went for a walk and a picnic lunch, and then I took the boys to visit my grandmother so that Matt could escape for a bike ride! Both boys were reasonably good all day.

Elroy and I also did a little bit of art and craft. It's something I tried a lot early on with him but he's never been terribly interested in much to my sadness. We covered a box in white paper and he painted away making it into an 'octo-repair station' (he's mad keen on the Octonauts at the moment), and he seemed to enjoy it and then once it was dry included it in his play. Construction craft might just be the way to go!

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