Tuesday, 29 October 2019

17 and 18 weeks

When Elroy was a baby I did the 52 project and wrote about him every week and I really want to do the same for Rufus. I need to make sure I take plenty of photographs and write things down, because time is flying this second time around and I feel like things are slipping through my fingers a bit. Knowing this is my last baby is bittersweet, especially because I’m enjoying it so much without the anxiety I felt the first time.

It hasn’t been easy with Rufus, the reflux and colic were incredibly challenging, and while I don’t think he is over it yet, we can definitely see the growth and shift - things are better, he can do things that in those first months I never thought he would. We can now take him in the pram/stroller without him scream crying constantly, we don’t always have crying for end of the day pick ups, he smiles a lot, will sit in his rocker for longer than five minutes. It’s so good! Sure, we are going through the four month sleep regression and there is the usual fussing during leaps but it’s all normal. He likes being out and about, and is very observant and alert, he is increasing interested in Elroy and what he is up and does occasionally show a fear of missing out. He wants to join in too!

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