Monday, 4 November 2019


Not many photos from this weekend. I’ve been a bit tired to be honest. Rufus had his four month vaccinations on Thursday, that night he slept well, but since then not so much waking - every two hours or so. I pretty much feel like the walking dead, ironically also if I drink coffee I can’t get to sleep early at night...and then I don’t sleep anyway and really need that coffee in the morning...I know it’s not forever but I am looking forward to better nights.

We had a pretty quiet weekend, I snuck in a quick pedicure for myself (really trying to get one short outing alone over the weekends), tried to rest when Rufus slept and ignored the fact that the house needs a really good clean. Maybe it’s the lack of sleep (it definitely is) but I’m feeling a bit flat, I need a new book to read and to get started on a few of my Christmas projects.

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