Thursday, 26 February 2009


Afternoon sunlight is beautiful this time of year, I am making the most of it before it leaves us and photography at 7pm is a distant memory.
Sorry for the lack of words here at the moment, I am feeling a bit skew wiff, all is not as it should be in my world right now.


Cheryl said...

These are pretty pictures. Sorry things are feeling off at the moment. That was last week for me. Hope things turn up soon. xx

Laura said...

I love the second picture it seems 2 steps away from black and white. I hope your squewywifness passes soon and pieces of your world fall back into place :) and a hug (:

Rachel said...

That light is just gorgeous! We are still far away from light at 7pm, and I'm feeling envious. said...

heya, was doing my morning perusal of apartment therapy and your blog and gorgeous pictures are featured!