Saturday, 31 December 2011

2011 in pictures

It would be very foolish not to acknowledge that this year has been a pretty amazing one for me, so much has happened: my house was on the Design Files, I did a class at the Agrarian kitchen, went to Europe and had a fantastic holiday, had a memorable 30th birthday with my friends, started Island Menu with Sam, loved Ozmas, went to Sydney, Melbourne and Adelaide, improved my cooking skills and most definitely had fun and lots of good times, which is what I wanted most of all and what I hope 2012 will be full of. So I hope everyone has a wonderful evening tonight, thank you so much for reading my little blog and have a wonderful new year.


Sarah B said...

Happy New Year Catherine! What great photo-montages. Yours has been a great year, let's hope 2012 is a great one for everyone x

Sasha said...

happy new year!

i have enjoyed discovering both of your blogs this year and look forward to the photographs and recipes to come in 2012.

Marian Hazel said...

Happy New Year Catherine, your photos are all so beautiful, what a memorable year. I'm already looking forward to next years pictures!

Kiki said...

Well that was just a beautiful montage of your year. When I see your photos and read your words it reminds me of the hopes I have for my own young daughters. May they experience the best of life as we continue to.

Happy 2012 to you! Please don't stop blogging.

captain kk said...

love all the gorgeous collages. happy new year! x

Martina said...

Happy New Year Catherine! I hope 2012 will be equally as good, if not better, than your 2011. You really did have a great deserve every bit of it of course! Mx

Amanda said...

Happy New Year Catherine! What a year it's been for you, full of exciting projects and adventures and opportunities. I hope 2012 is an equally wonderful one for you x