Monday, 19 December 2011

Christmas Cheer from Logan Wines

Some christmas cheer arrived a few days early on my doorstep in the form of a box of a dozen bottles from Logan Wines based in Orange in NSW, a place I haven't been to but am now intrigued to visit. I was absolutely floored to receive such a fantastic gift and it all looks so amazing! I know you shouldn’t judge wine on a label and packaging alone (and I have no doubt the wine is fantastic) but this really is quite wonderful. Everything is done to perfection and I love the photographs in the little booklet.

My poor knowledge of wine is something I’ve been wanting to develop for a little while now, especially with the work we do for Island Menu, and to be given such a wide selection means this is the perfect opportunity! I plan on cooking a few special dinners over the summer months to try them out and I’m thinking of starting with the Hannah rosé and perhaps making some nice light homemade pasta with bloody mary mussels…any other good food/wine combination suggestions I can try? All ideas would be most welcome!


Sarah B said...

Wow, lucky you! I agree, the label designs are delightful. I bet they taste great too :)

WSAKE said...

such great packaging! you´re a lucky girl!
but no wine sugestions from me since i don´t have any experience of such things...


That's my sister Hannah and brother in law Pete! Glad some wine made it to you. Hannah Rose is my personal favourite.

Amanda said...

How lucky! I'm not much of a wine expert either. My cousin did a wine appreciation course a while back which sounded like fun, perhaps you could do something like that?