Thursday 12 January 2017


A photo of Elroy and one of my first baby, Jerry this week.

Elroy: It's been emotional. He has been emotional, poor thing, we had a busy last week of the holidays and I think he missed his regular routine. Bed time was a nightmare. I think it was a bit of a relief for everyone to return to regular programming. We are noticing everyday his language expanding and he remembers so many book titles, even I forget, but he knows. He remembers names and instruments and people.

Jerry: He's emotional, he's upset and disappointed. We took his beloved (and most revolting) couch away. I feel terribly guilty because it was his bed, and he truely loved it. Loved the fact that he could sit there and watch things happening outside and bark without having to move, literally from the comfort of his own couch. But it had to go!

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