Sunday, 6 May 2018

mt field etc

We've been planning to go to Mt Field for weeks now, it's such a beautiful time of year to visit, with all the leaves turning (both the fagus and the european species) but it hadn't quite happened. So, yesterday we got our butts into gear and made sure that we did it! There is definitely something refreshing and freeing about taking a whole day out to just be and enjoy. To not worry about how trashed the house is, how big the pile of washing or whatever other things we probably should be doing. It was one of those typical Tasmanian days were it rained, was bleak and grey, with moments of sunshine which shows in my photographs, and the kid was a bit of a challenge at times but we had a lovely walk around Lake Dobson and then visited Westerway Raspberry Farm on the way home (those berries were so good by the way). I think we need one of these days at least once a month, especially over winter, I am dreading winter so much, so anything to make it bearable!

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