Sunday, 27 May 2018

seven things for the colder weather

It's not quite winter yet, but we have had some wild weather here lately (storms, flooding, wind - it's rubbish) and our power has been disconnected  four times in just a few weeks, which is pretty frustrating when it happens at dinner time. So, I'm already staring to get into the mindset that winter is just around the corner, and it is not a happy thought. In fact it makes me feel quite flat, so I'm thinking of things to help lift my mood and make the next few months a little bit more bearable.

1.  Paul Smith socks 2. Gascoigne and King candle 3. Scandinavia Dreaming 4. Forestry Wool blanket 5. Colette Bream lambswool hat  6. Playa supernatural conditioner 7. Stelton em press coffee maker

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