Sunday, 3 June 2018


I've just realised how old these photographs are, the top one is from mother's day....nevermind that doesn't matter. I think they sum up life lately fairly well, crazy kid, time at home and a few different functions etc. To be honest, I've felt a bit flat and that thought of treading water has been on my mind, I'm not particularly a big fan of changes, but I think I need a project! There are still plenty of smaller jobs that need doing around the house: I have piles of frames to fill for a photo wall in the hall, a bed head for our room, deal with the ‘stuff’ in the spare room, paint the brick fireplace in our bed room... I could go on. Unfortunately none of these seem to be easy to do with a child constantly wanting my attention, or more specifically wanting my attention as soon as I start to do something I want to do. It’s tricky, and there just aren’t enough hours in the weekend!! I should start crafting again, or knitting, things that can be picked up and put down quickly. I know all this is pretty normal for mother’s, it is still frustrating though.

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