Tuesday, 27 August 2019


Elroy has a thing at day care called the weekend circle, we write on a little coloured circles all the things we do over the weekend and then later the children sit down together and share them with one another. I think this is such a lovely idea, they learn about each other, and get to share their experiences, but also it is a nice way for us to remember what we've done, and sometimes encourage us to get out and do something - otherwise we have nothing to write. 

It's also got me thinking about this space, over the last few years it really has just been personal journaling (and very sporadic journaling at that), but sometimes I look back through it and really like that it exists. I can see what we were doing last summer, or what time of year the lilac bloomed, completely random things like that. Anyway, I think I'm going to do regular 'weekend circles' here, take note of what we did, what I was thinking about, liking or not liking, and also take more photographs.

This last weekend was my mum's birthday. Elroy and I headed off early to buy bread to make her favourite egg sandwiches for her birthday lunch, and some flowers at the market. Lunch was lovely and I had my first glass of sparkling wine since October last year! We also went out for lunch on sunday to Sisterhood and Elroy would not sit still, I found a spring/summer dress, and later at home made some kiss biscuits. By sunday evening I felt the most 'me' I've felt in a long while. A very nice feeling after so much sickness and then adjusting to life with a newborn (and I can't believe he is now 2 months!).

1 comment:

sonya said...

I often feel the same way about my blog - grateful to have the record. Excited for your weekend circles updates and hope you have a good weekend ahead.