Monday, 3 December 2007

Inspiration Board

A new season called for new pictures on my pin board, lots of light and airy-ness and pinks with some bold reds and animals like horses and deers seems to be my current influences. Artist's Jane Reiseger and Marise Maas I have found particularly inspiring and both similar in a way, I love the space in their work, it's just calling out for a large white room.

And on a slightly different note, this post which I found lovely at this time of year when it is all about shopping (even though I do love my shopping.....very much).

Catherine xx


Hyena In Petticoats said...

Your board looks beautiful!


Michelle said...

Oh what a nice board, it puts mine to shame, golly, now I feel inspired to fix mine up!

Anonymous said...

I have this great big cork board in my office which I have been wanting to make into an inspiration board. I think I'll put on my Stay-At-Home Vacation to do list!

Thanks for the inspiration as always.

Gracia said...

Yes, dear deers really ought to be on all inspiration boards... g

ali said...

Oh I love it so much. Now I have a new weekend project for myself! Perhaps your inspiration board will make my inspiration board!